So last night whilst enjoying many a PBR, Kyle ran up to me holding a copy of Sugar Besides for me. Thanks Kyle. I've been tripping the F out over Sugar. JC Auto just rocks plain and simple. He then informed me of the 1/2 off sale going on just down the way at Reckless, so I had to cruise over there. I picked up the L'Spaerow CD and I made a replacement purchase of Burning Airlines Identikit. I loaned it to someone along with 3 other sick ass good CD's and they were never returned. If you're curious as to what the other 3 are: 1. Metroschifter Strawberries 2. Unwound Leaves Turn Inside You 3. I can't remember. It's been that long. Anyway, I've been rocking the Identikit and it is just so damn good that it hurts my feelings. Another thing that hurts-a-my-feelings is the fact Braid is playing tonight and I didn't go. That hurts to see in type. I guess the show was an early one. I had to work. That's a whole other story that I don't want to get into because I'm actually starting to have a good night.
So it's come to this: I have a folder in my "favorites" in Safari for blogs. And I just added this one: Bob fucking Mould.
Instead of working on my goddamn story about sports lighting, which is coming along at a glacial pace, I'm reading the diary of my fucking hero. I don't give a shit that he mostly does electronic music now. He's Bob Mould, and he will destroy you.
Back to work.
Arg. The laundry facilities here are being tested as I type. I get the feeling this will be the only time I use the washer and dryer in the building. I plan on going to the brand spankin' new laudromat just down the alley. Washing my clothes in old dirty machines just doesn't sit right with me. It makes me want to wash my clothes after I wash my clothes.
We're playing tonight at Big Horse. 1558 N. Milwaukee. At midnight. It's free. I'm getting a burrito.
Hi. Apparently my name is "Eh, Pap-ie" and I have a sign on the back of my shirt that says to ask me for fifty cents. This neighborhood is going to take a little getting used to. Today as I was walking home from getting lunch at the really cheap gyro place across the street, this lady was walking in front of me and drinking some type of Slurpee-ish beverage. When she was finished she just slammed the empty styrofoam cup on the ground like it was nobody's business and kept on walking. Unreal. Not to mention there are way more rats here than in Lakeview. I hate them. A few years ago we were having a BBQ session at Jason's house and there was a girl there who I was trying to hook up with. It was dark, the fire was raging, and the rock was on low to accomodate conversation. I swear, right as I was sealing the deal, a huge rat ran through the backyard right past my feet. I screamed like a 7 year old little girl and hopped up on top of the lawn chair in mid sentence. Believe it. I hate the rats.
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey Hey, well I'm Back in ...well just back. Online. In my own apartment. Just back in general. And it feels really good. I've got massive amounts of cleaning and unpacking to do. Better get started. Gotta clean the cooties, cribbles, and lippy-lippy-wahs outta the bathroom so I can feel safe in there.
Apartment: check
High Speed Internet: check
Land Line: N/A
Cable: No
Moving truck: Not yet
I'm still packing and it's not my idea of a good time. My idea of a good time entails beer, as I'm sure your'e well aware. Moving is supposed to require beer, but my wallet says no. Beerless moving. New concept. Time to check out the moving trucks.
An actual occurrence: 30 seconds ago, here at the library. As I was just logging onto Blogger, the librarian was calling someone to let them know that their book was in. The title of said book was "Animals Should Not Wear Clothing." No lie.
Anyway, I'm spending the morning having some coffee and playing some records in order to get into apartment packing mode. Ugh. I'm sure you know how that goes. So far this morning I've listened to:
1. His Hero Is Gone (I forgot the name of the LP)
2. Guided By Voices - Universal Truths
3. Sugar - Beaster (track 4 is currently tripping me out...In a good way)
4. Hirudin - Neither Created Nor Destroyed
(I tend to analyze's just easier with audio)
That's it so far.
My roommate and I were supposed to go skateboarding at the outdoor park today, but between packing and stuff I just don't know if that's gonna go down. I miss skating. I'm going to go try and wake him up and go for a few hours ...and THEN begin the uber-exciting event that is packing. Ugh.
Have I mentioned how much I miss having internet access at home? Sure, I got used to not having heat, hot water, cable, or a home phone but internet to me is a life line of sorts. I need it like Bill Cosby needs those outlandish sweaters. "It's a Cosby sweata!" Soon. Because remember last week when I semi-politely asked the Overlord of Screwover to get lost? Well, apparently he/she's done just that! Things in my life are on a dramatic upswing now and here's why:
1. The Schuba's show was great. The entire night totally blew my expectations right out of the water. Thanks for coming out Jenn & N., Jason, Mike, Joy, Billy, Peit, Sally, Betsy, Vicky the Terminator, April and co. and everyone else that showed. Chalet Chalet and the PTG guys were all really cool. If what Kyle is proposing for October actually becomes confirmed, you may hear giddy little school girl style giggles coming from...
2. My new apartment! Yeah! Next Friday I'm moving in and I'll be living by myself for the first time since Dallas in 1999. I am truly excited. The rent is cheaper than my current rent AND gas and heat are included! Rock. It's also right in the vicinity of where I wanted to move. Logan Square, ya'll. I finally get to leave yuppieville. I can't handle too much more of Lakeview. Prada + baby strollers the size of SUVs with options many of my old cars didn't have = Michael's annoyance. Anyway, I'll be able to get internet access, a couch, a coffee table, a laptop and an Ipod (finally), and food that doesn't come from work with...
3. My new raise. Unexpected to say the least. Kick major arse. I knew that when things get crappy that they always tend to work themselves out. What I wasn't suspecting was that they would all work themselves out in the same day! Incredible. Maybe my mood can finally begin to lighten up 'round these parts.
Recovering from Schuba's right now. That mostly entails recovering from staying up late with the Pilot To Gunner boys last night. Those dudes looked tired. Of course, touring for four fucking months in a row will do that to you. Four months! It astounds me they haven't murdered each other yet. They spent six weeks in Europe alone, even going to Russia, which is amazing. Even more amazing: They drove there. Who the hell drives to Russia? Wow. That's just damn impressive.
We played well last night and even got paid pretty well. In a fit of generosity, we said, "Let's give it to the touring band." PTG bass player Marty had his wallet stolen at the show, their van was dead, etc. Of course, Michael & I, the philanthropists, forgot that Mike has like no money right now and thus felt like total assholes after we gave our $$ away. I did take out flyer money from what we got paid, so Mike, it's all yours, with apologies for our myopia.
I'm off to Cleveland tomorrow for a wedding and to visit the offices of one of the places I write for for the first time. It may or may not be a good time to go, as I'm feeling untalented right now.
PTG is coming back in the fall with Channels. We're getting on that show. Mark my words.
dear god, or whomever is the overpowering force that is consistently plotting to destroy me: please get lost. i need a job. a real one. and fast. you see, it's impossible to survive on what i'm currently reeling in and i've stretched that as far as it can possibly go. our landlord is pissed off and wants money that we do not have. not to mention my roommate, i suspect, will be hitting the road really soon leaving me ...well, fucked. so, either loan me a printing press with precise counterfeiting capabilities or hook me up with a non-monkey type job so i can stay sane. thanky.
and to the rest of you, i hope to see you at the show on tuesday, where i plan on drinking quite heavily, but only after our set.
I'm at the li-berry again, just kickin' it until I have to go to work. Anyone know of a job opening that will pay enough money so that I can live like a normal human being? "Normal", meaning of the western persuasion. This entails hot water, internet access at home, food that does not come from a corporate coffee giant that happens to be way too big for it's britches, and dare I say the option to purchase some new freakin' records? Please email me if you happen to know of anything. Oh, there's a big Rock-N-Roll show on July 13th. You should go because it will be fun! Time to walk back home so I can overload on coffee before I go to where I have to sell it to peeps. Humans, not the confectionery chicken tooth devouring little bastards.