
So last night whilst enjoying many a PBR, Kyle ran up to me holding a copy of Sugar Besides for me. Thanks Kyle. I've been tripping the F out over Sugar. JC Auto just rocks plain and simple. He then informed me of the 1/2 off sale going on just down the way at Reckless, so I had to cruise over there. I picked up the L'Spaerow CD and I made a replacement purchase of Burning Airlines Identikit. I loaned it to someone along with 3 other sick ass good CD's and they were never returned. If you're curious as to what the other 3 are: 1. Metroschifter Strawberries 2. Unwound Leaves Turn Inside You 3. I can't remember. It's been that long. Anyway, I've been rocking the Identikit and it is just so damn good that it hurts my feelings. Another thing that hurts-a-my-feelings is the fact Braid is playing tonight and I didn't go. That hurts to see in type. I guess the show was an early one. I had to work. That's a whole other story that I don't want to get into because I'm actually starting to have a good night.


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