
Hi. Apparently my name is "Eh, Pap-ie" and I have a sign on the back of my shirt that says to ask me for fifty cents. This neighborhood is going to take a little getting used to. Today as I was walking home from getting lunch at the really cheap gyro place across the street, this lady was walking in front of me and drinking some type of Slurpee-ish beverage. When she was finished she just slammed the empty styrofoam cup on the ground like it was nobody's business and kept on walking. Unreal. Not to mention there are way more rats here than in Lakeview. I hate them. A few years ago we were having a BBQ session at Jason's house and there was a girl there who I was trying to hook up with. It was dark, the fire was raging, and the rock was on low to accomodate conversation. I swear, right as I was sealing the deal, a huge rat ran through the backyard right past my feet. I screamed like a 7 year old little girl and hopped up on top of the lawn chair in mid sentence. Believe it. I hate the rats.


Blogger Megan said...

Oh my god - I would've loved to have seen that. So creepy/gross.

11:09 PM  

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