
say it ain't so...ohwhoaohwhoa

The corner has been turned. The burger has been flipped. The socks have been pulled up. Way up. Even though that didn't make any sense, today is the day I have been long anticipating. For nearly all of my life I've looked at others who were where I am now and wondered what it would be like. I've been rather scared of it and I'm still not sure just what to think about it. Last night, as of 12:05am, I am officially thirty years old. ooh. I did not like seeing that in type. The 20's to 30's change over was celebrated (I rarely touch anything other than beer) by a shot of Black Velvet. Whiskey. You can find it in the little boy's smile. Black Velvet in that slow southern style. A new religion that something, something, something. Black Velvet if you please.
On today's agenda:
1. A friendly visit to the DMV. My licence has expired. Great, because I love going there...yeah.
2. A comprehensive 5 page paper for my cinema class on topics I have not read about. Great. I'm just lucky I can bullshite my way through a paper and make it look like I know what I'm talking about.
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I haven't been to a movie in ages.
4. Going to get tattoos today. I hope I have enough bread to get what I want.
5. A trip to the Art Institue Museum. I haven't been there in 5 years. It should be a good time.
6. Possibly a gathering at Club Foot. Not Magic the Gathering. That tournament will be held later. Level 74 cyborg nibbler elves will act as dungeon master.
I am kidding.
7. No affiliation with lattes nor muffins.


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