
Me to my roommate this morning "Hey, sorry about that. I'll buy the next one. What?! It was possessed by HAL*."
Do you see that thing in the bottom left corner of the picture? That is...was our DVD player. The "Venturer" DVD player. I think they only made one...I finally recieved the long awaited satisfaction of throwing it out the window. And yes, I made it bounce off of the brick wall next door. Then my roommate went downstairs and tossed it back up so I could catch it and proceed to smash it again. Now we'll be forced to buy a new one instead of painfully sitting through movies and cds that keep skipping and freezing and speaking Yittish. It was a fun night. We killed a 30 pack of Old Pyle between the four of us and listened to Modest Mouse Interstate 8 most of the night, and the Hot Water Music Live at the Hardback cd that I found which went missing some 6,7,8 months ago. Now it's safe and back in the stacks.
* HAL is the psycho computer from some 80's movie, War Games I believe, that has a mind of it's own and does what ever it wants to. HAL tends to possess most stereos and cd/dvd players that we own at some point. So we tend to go through 3 to 4 stereos every year because we end up smashing the hell out of them as outlined above.
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