i woke up this morning with a unique sense of urgency to get this moving thing on the road. or rolling. or moving. underway. we're going down to urbana on monday night after work to do the house hunt because the internet postings of rentable housing are virtually inept. yeah, they're all pretty cheap in comparison to chicago, but the listings are limited and there aren't that many in the main news paper down there. i don't think the internet age has fully expanded to the older folks in that part of the region yet. more than likely they still use the old standby of putting a sign up with a telephone number. plus, i don't like going through rental agencies. all of the unnecessary red tape and references and extra money and hassles...i will say 'no thank you, sir.' i give you money, you let me live there. that's it. cut and dry. regardless, that should be all taken care of by wednesday evening. the job is pretty much settled. i'll be opening up the first SB in town. not too keen on staying with the company, but it is easy, i already know what i'm doing, and the transfer is much easier than finding a whole new line of work. for now at least. once i get settled, then the search for a real job can begin. i just can't live on 13G's a year any longer. i'm getting ready to spend my morning eBaying/Craigslisting a ton of stuff i don't want or need. i've got to come up with a huge stash o' cash rather quickly.
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