A Loose Outline of My Day
I. Woke up at 4am after a long night of drinking to go open the store.
A. Lightly sleep on the bus until the Racine stop.
B. Walk the rest of the way cursing SB and the ungodly hour.
II. Dealt with caffeine addicts until noon.
A. Purchased and Italian Beef from a place near work that I've been
eyeing for sometime now.
B. Inhaled sandwich on lunch break.
III. Caught the Brown Line headed downtown to attend a meeting at SBHQ.
A. Fought the urge to walk out of said meeeting for three hours.
IV. Stopped off at my old store at State & Ohio to say hi to some of the peeps up in
A. Contemplated going across the street to get chicken strips and tater babies
just like old times.
B. Fought the urge as it would have hampered beer drinking planned for
this evening.
1. I agreed to meet up with some friends for kareoke tonight. I've never
kareoked before. Ever. I'm not even sure that I'll be able to.
2. Although, I DO have the perfect cabana-wear-Ben-
Stiller's-father-big-collared-60's-leisure-suit-jacket for the occasion.
3. If I do end up going, I hope they have the teeny tiny skinny little
microphones with the cord. That'll go great with all that polyester.
I'm actually feeling a bit too tired to go out. I'd almost rather catch up on sleep, but then again I don't work tomorrow. I think I'll take a nap and then decide.
Yeah. I wonder how that'll play out...
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