keep the duct tape AND the staplegun in your bag, nerd.
So I rode, in the rain, on the Speedster (yeah, I changed her name), up to Roscoe Village. Only thing was, when I got there, the post I planned on making victim to my flyer madness with my trusty staple gun, was made out of metal. Standing there in front of Hard Boiled, soaked from the rain, I said screw it. So only one flyer exists in RV at this time. It's up at Hard Boiled. Like anyone knows who the hell we are...I should have put the beer specials on the freakin' things. I didn't think of that until after I made all the copies. Ya live and ya learn. Hopefully. I had to buy a few records. I picked up Mission of Burma VS. and the TV on the Radio EP. If you're into them, go to Hard Boiled on Tuesday. Tuesday is the release date for the TV on the Radio full-length and there's some sort of give-away that will be taking place.
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