
It's only coffee and muffins people...

I don't know about this new store thing. It seems, thus far at least, that none of these people have any sort of Ralph Macchio. I mean, I laid down a couple one-liners that almost anyone would be proud to call their own, and all I got in return were blank-starred responses. Although, this one girl I worked with today was somewhat interesting. We were bouncing things off each other, in the verbal sense, and things were just clicking. We even realized we went to the same high school and knew some of the same people. I thought, " Cool. At least there is one person here that I can joke around with. We even kind of think on the same level." Then she said, "I just can't believe that after seven years at Starbucks, I'm out of here in ...45 minutes. It's my last day!" I thought, "yeah...great...I should've been expecting something like that..." So she's gone. And I'm left with Ralph Macchio. The kind where the store is completely empty and we just stand there and think to ourselves...I'll say or do something I deem hilarious...nothing I rejoin them in the think-to-yourself-and wait-for-a-customer-robotic-serious-boring-freaking-existance. Christ! It's completely nerve racking! I just want to yell, " You serve coffee and muffins for a living! Lighten the fuck up"! But I don't. I should though. I just might.

On another note, I think practice is cancelled tonight due to our bass player's workplace being maliciously bombarded by the dreaded MyDoom virus. I guess he'll be working late. Fuckin' computer nerds...Are your lives so meaningless that creating viruses that screw up other peoples computers and lives gives you some sort of sick pleasure? I think these virus creators deserve a good swift kick in the nads. Go home and break out the D&D like you used to. Being a Level-87 psychotropic gelfling snake with pointy sideburns was fun. Remember? Yes you do...nerds.


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