Hey. How have you been?
I hope all is well. I couldn't be happier these days. Well, that is I could be but only if someone added 5 more hours into each day so that I could actually get everything done and sleep. My schedule is completely chaotic. 2 jobs, one which I don't really consider a job in the drag down lame time sense because they pay me money to put together drum kits and hang out with cymbals and kick drums and potentially say hey to members of Cheap Trick and Reo Speedwagon. Not to mention that I get everything at cost. I've actually spent more bread there than I've made so far. Incredible. I still have to put up with dickland aka SB, but only for 3 days a week. The store is smack in the middle of campus, so guess what everyone orders. frappuccinos. I curse thee.
not you, them. Literally, the bar drink to frappuccino ratio is nearly 1:10. I can't believe that I even tainted this blog with that word but I needed to get my point across. School is going well as well. My theory class is a little ...stressful... Because most of the class can already read music and explain the circle of fifths and I always avoided learning this stuff so I'm still getting the hang of notation and durations and the like. Actually my day today is planned on studying that book all day. Well after this and some other stuff.
I bought some mace the other day. I figure that since I'm too old and non-agile to be fighting, if someone attempts to mug me, which apparently is a popular pastime between the hours of 10pm and 4am on campus, inside of which time I'm usually coming or going to dickland, I can simply mace the incredibly rude attacker. In essence, this is the way most folks repel pesky insects and I find it funny because I'll be spraying a can at someone to keep them away. Not only will he be in massive pain for doing something idiotic, he'll really hate the fact that I'll be totally cracking up while I'm in the process by adding insult to injury. Maybe after I'm finished laughing I'll give him some career advice or explain how to itemize his taxes.